First of all, to know how your facebook account is locked, please taccess the link checkpoint.
You look in the url bar if the link extension is 956 then accountyours is locked 956there.

Requirements: the device has been logged in to this account, white mail and clear and genuine identity documents.

Implementation steps:
Step 1: Go to the browser to access the address
On the url bar you find the word intro and add idr/ enter before it and then enter.
Then you enter your email, upload the documents and wait for it to come back
(Remember to check your email)
Step 2: You change the language to English and then do the following operations:
Go to the link 862:
Description: my facebook account has been locked, my account has not violated any terms and I have not received instructions to unlock my account as stated, hope the Facebook team considers it!
Go to the link 890:
Description: My account has been locked for security check, I didn’t violate the terms and I can’t get the instructions as stated to unlock my account please look into the Facebook team!
Step 3: After performing the above steps, leave your account as it is (Don’t log out) and exit the browser (wait 8 hours to check your mail and see if the results are successful or not).
Step 4: After the mail arrives, you copy that link, paste it on chrome just now and wait 5 minutes (if you make a mistake for the 2nd and 3rd time) and each time, please write a different description.
The above steps have been successful for 9/10 accounts. Good luck.