Guide, Gaming

How to fix Roblox 403 Authentication failed error?

Some Roblox players have reported that they receive the Roblox error code 403 on and off when they try to start the game by pressing the Play button displayed with the message Access Denied! If you are getting the same error then you are on the right site.

Recently, in some Roblox gaming community groups, they reported that they had a Roblox 403 error when starting the game. This error code appears with the message line Authentication failed!

With this 403 roblox error it means you are trying to access restricted content and cannot access this page. There are also cases where it’s server side, so just turn off and back on the game.

If you see the above message and have tried turning it off and on again and it still doesn’t work, follow the steps below!

How to fix Roblox 403 error?

There are many ways to fix it, so please try all the ways below.

1/ Clear AppCache Fix Error 403

Junk files or files that you have deleted but still have some source files left, can be a cause of conflicts and lead to 403 Roblox errors. The solution for this is to remove them, and follow the steps below:

For windows: (Windows 10 or 11)

1.1 Press the Windows + R key combination to open Run.

1.2 Then you type the following in %appdata% and press the Enter key.

1.3 After completing the above step, if you still have the Roblox folder, delete it and try again to see if it works.

For MacOS:

  1. First, you look in the toolbar at the top, then click Go and then click Go to Folder.
  2. Then type the following ~/Library/caches and click Go again.
  3. Now you delete all data contained in the folder.
  4. Then try restarting Roblox again and see if it’s fixed successfully.

2/ Scan for viruses:

  1. First, press the Windows key and enter the Windows Security search bar. And click Open.

2. Then choose Virus & threat protection.

3. Then press Quick scan.

After the scan is complete, please restart your computer and check the game again.

3/ Disable Antivirus and VPN Software

It is also possible that antivirus and VPN software conflict with other software, so try disabling them to fix Roblox 403 error.

4/ Uninstall Roblox and reinstall Roblox

In case trying the above methods doesn’t work, follow this last option.

1. You enter the Control Panel by pressing the button search below the screen and enter the phrase Control Panel then you press Enter.

2. Click to Programs and then pressPrograms and Features.

4. You find Roblox in the application list and right click select Uninstall.

5. Then press OK to confirm uninstalling the application.

6. After the deletion process is complete, we reinstall the latest version of Roblox.

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